Testing Technology


Every day, RUMOTEK works with the commitment and responsibility of ensuring a high-quality product.

Permanent magnets are used in almost all industrial sectors. Our customers from the robotics, pharmaceutical, automobile and aerospace industries have strict requirements that can only be met with a high level of quality control. We should supply safety parts, requiring compliance with strict criteria and provisions. Good quality is the result of detailed planning and precise implementation. We have implemented a quality system in accordance with the guidelines of the international standard EN ISO 9001:2008.

Strictly controlled purchasing of raw materials, suppliers carefully selected for their quality, and wide-ranging chemical, physical and technical checks ensure that top-quality basic materials are used. Statistical process control and checks on materials are carried out using the latest software. Inspections of our outgoing products are carried out in accordance with the standard DIN 40 080.

We have highly qualified staff and a special R&D department which, thanks to monitoring and testing equipment, can obtain a wide range of information, characteristics, curves and magnetic values for our products.

To help you obtain a better understanding of the terminology in the sector, in this section we offer you information corresponding to the different magnetic materials, geometrical variations, tolerances, adherence forces, orientation and magnetization and magnet shapes, along with an extensive technical dictionary of terminology and definitions.


The laser granulometer provides precise grain size distribution curves of material particles, such as raw materials, bodies and ceramic glazes. Every measurement lasts a few seconds and reveals all the particles in a range size between 0.1 and 1000 micron.

Light is an electromagnetic wave. When light meets with particles on the way of traveling, the interaction between light and particles will result in deviations of part of the light, which is called light scattering. The bigger the scattering angle is, the particle size will be smaller, the smaller the scattering angle is, the particle size will be bigger. The particle analyzer instruments will analysis the particle distribution according to this physical character of the light wave.


The Helmholtz coil consists of a pair of coils, each with known number of turns, placed at a determined distance from the magnet being tested. When a permanent magnet of known volume is placed at the center of both coils, the magnetic flux of the magnet produces a current in the coils which can be related to a measurement of flux (Maxwells) based on the displacement and number of turns. By measuring the displacement caused by the magnet, the magnet volume, the permeance coefficient, and the recoil permeability of the magnet, we can determine values such as Br, Hc, (BH)max and the orientation angles.


The amount of magnetic flux through a unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux. Also called Magnetic Induction.

A measure of the strength of a magnetic field at a given point, expressed by the force per unit lengthon a conductor carrying unit current at that point.

The instrument applys a gaussmeter to measure the flux density of the permanent magnet at a determined distance. Typically, the measurement is made either at the magnet's surface, or at the distance for which the flux will be used in the magnetic circuit. Flux density testing verifies that the magnet material used for our custom magnets will perform as predicted when the measurement matches the calculated values.


Automatic measurement of the demagnetization curve of permanent magnetic material such as ferrite, AlNiCo, NdFeB, SmCo, etc. Accurate measurement of the magnetic characteristic parameters of remanence Br, coercive force HcB, intrinsic coercive force HcJ and maximum magnetic energy product (BH)max.

Adopt ATS structure, users can customize different configuration as required: According to the intrinsic and size of measured sample to decide the electromagnetic size and corresponding testing power supply; Select different measuring coil and probe according to the option of measuring method. Decide to whether choosing fixture in accordance with sample shape.


The main features of HAST neodymium magnet is increasing the resistance of oxidation & corrosion and reducing the weight loss in testing and using.USA Standard: PCT at 121ºC±1ºC, 95% humidity, 2 atmospheric pressure for 96 hours, weight loss

The acronym "HAST" stands for "Highly Accelerated Temperature/Humidity Stress Test." The acronym “THB” stands for “Temperature Humidity Bias.” THB testing takes 1000 hours to complete, whereas HAST Testing results are available within 96-100 hours. In some cases, results are available in even less than 96 hours. Due to the time saving advantage, the popularity of HAST has continuously increased in recent years. Many companies have completely replaced THB Test Chambers with HAST Chambers.


A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with atoms in the sample, producing various signals that contain information about the sample's surface topography and composition.

The most common SEM mode is detection of secondary electrons emitted by atoms excited by the electron beam. The number of secondary electrons that can be detected depends, among other things, on specimen topography. By scanning the sample and collecting the secondary electrons that are emitted using a special detector, an image displaying the topography of the surface is created.


The Ux-720-XRF is a high-end fluorescent X-ray coating thickness gauge equipped with the polycapillary X-ray focusing optics and silicon drift detector. The improved X-ray detection efficiency enables high-throughput and high-precision measurement. Furthermore, new design to secure wide space around sample position gives exellent operability.

The higher-resolution sample observation camera with a fully digital zoom provides the clear image of the sample having several tens of micrometers in diameter at a desired observation position. Lighting unit for sample observation uses LED which has an extremely long lifetime.


Refers to a surface of the magnets to assess the corrosion resistance of environmental test equipment use salt spray test created by artificial fog environmental conditions. Generally use a 5% aqueous solution of sodium chloride salt solution at neutral PH value adjustment range (6-7) as a spray solution. Test temperature were taken 35 ° C. The product surface coating corrosion phenomena take time to quantify.

Salt spray testing is an accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to coated samples in order to evaluate (mostly comparatively) the suitability of the coating for use as a protective finish. The appearance of corrosion products (rust or other oxides) is evaluated after a pre-determined period of time. Test duration depends on the corrosion resistance of the coating.